LE January Newsletter

By Shama Doshi

"Education today, in this particular social period, is assuming truly unlimited importance. And the increased emphasis on its practical value an be summed up on one sentence: education is the best weapon for peace."

Dr. Maria Montessori.

Happy New Year!

I hope you and your family had a wonderful winter break! It has been lovely having the community together. Each and every child has been so eager to start working again. It has been inspiring to observe. 

This term, we have a lot to look forward to. The children of Lower Elementary will embark on preparing for our annual Science Fair. More details to follow! Our Science Fair is a beloved work and the children are already talking about the different experiments they wish to perform. We look forward to welcoming you into our environment.

Our first years will officially begin spelling this month! Their excitement towards this work is infectious. 

The photographs you see above and below, were taken between our December and current newsletter. in the photographs, children are busy wrapping up their work for the term! One very popular work was the construction of doll houses. This work stemmed from a Spanish lesson that I gave. Three community members, with the help of Miss Olivia, came together to create their very own castles from cardboard!

Winter Preparation

Right before winter break, the community dedicates time to preparing our environment for winter break. This involves dusting the shelves and material, sanitizing our tables and chairs, and shrink-wrapping cubbies. A popular task is helping to take apart the tables!

I am so excited for the spring term and cannot wait to see what incredible work your child will achieve in the coming months. 


LE March Newsletter


UE March Newsletter